2006: Energy concept 2050 of the city of St.Gallen


The city of St.Gallen developed its first energy concept in the heat sector in 2006, with the aim of specifically reducing its CO2 emissions and increasing energy efficiency.

In 2011, the Energy Concept 2050 was adopted as a comprehensive basis for future energy policy, covering electricity, heat and mobility. (Reduction target by 2050: 1 ton of CO2 and 2000 watts per person per year).

Subsequentily, in 2020, the energy concept was adjusted to the ”Zero Tons of CO2 Emissions” goal and climate neutrality by 2050 was anchored in the municipal regulations.

Between 2006 and 2021, energy consumption per capita has been reduced by 12%. During the same period, greenhouse gas emission have decreased by 26%.

In 2023, the energy concept will be expanded to include consumption and resources. This will take into account not only domestically generated energy-related CO2 emissions but also imported CO2 emissions resulting from our consumption of goods, food, and air travel.

Source: BAFU (o.D. a)